Graphic Design & Web Programming

Makayla Heemstra



Lemon Cherry Pen is a light-hearted brand I use for digital art. It is the name of my Etsy shop and the name under which I do commissions. When I first began networking with other creatives, I formed a group of friends who started a joke by drawing a personified lemon character for me. It's a lemon with a face and legs. I liked that goofy idea and decided to run with it, hence the large lemon face present in my banner images. The featured image is a website I use for outlining the terms, prices, and some examples of my digital art commissions. Click the link below to visit the live site.

This is a photo rendering of an illustration I did. I designed a jellyfish inspired dress for a character from one of my stories, and I liked it so much that I recreated it with photos on this model. The inspiration for the jellyfish theme is my character's interest in the ocean. I have used Photoshop before to do projects like this, but I made this one in Clip Studio Paint. Every element of the outfit comes from one picture of a jellyfish and a bit of freehand illustration. Below, you can see the process that went into creating this image, as well as the original illustration that inspired it.

These cute frogs are part of a commission for LGBTQ+ pride apparel. The client gave me a lot of creative liberty, so I generated many sketches for him. Then I organized them into a slide show and numbered them so he could easily indicate which ones he was leaning towards. Originally he planned to purchase two designs, but he ended up liking three of the first sketches. Once I fully rendered them, he decided to purchase a third one as well. When his shop launches, I will be cooperating with him to advertise the merchandise. We plan to utilize social media marketing, which is something I have been teaching myself about.


Hey, I'm Kayla. In 2020 I graduated from Purdue University with a double major in Web Programming & Design and Data Visualization. They're hybrid programs that teach coding alongside the principles of design. I'm accustomed to working in teams with a focus on user-friendliness. After college, I spent some time as a junior developer at One Stop Inc. There, I improved my Python skills while maintaining retail sites and working on tech support. An analytical side of me likes programming, but my passion is in art and design. In my spare time, I do personal commissions, network with other creatives, and work on webcomics. I especially enjoy teaching myself about branding, sales, and social media marketing. In addition to that, I do video editing and music production.

Tools I Use:
  • Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.)
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript (jQuery, D3)
  • Python
  • PHP
  • SQL
Some Things I Can Do:
  • Graphic Design
  • Web Development
  • Photo editing
  • Video editing
  • Motion graphics
  • Create and deliver presentations
  • Generate mockups
  • Effectively communicate with clients and coworkers
  • Be open to learning new methods and skills


Hey, thanks for stopping by!

If you're looking for a designer who's enthusiastic about learning and who enjoys working hard with a solid team, I'd be happy to hear from you.

Feel free to send me an email or give me a call. For more information such as my resume, check out my LinkedIn.

(616) 368-9829
